![]() Christians are not just on this planet to have a good time, though some of us can't help ourselves. We actually have a task. We are on a mission. That mission is to save the world. No pressure, right?!? Part of the difficulty in saving the world is to get people to understand they are in jeopardy. But most people know this. Most people recognize there is something wrong, and they are trying their best to survive the chaos. Unfortunately many people are satisfied to work all of this out themselves. They don't think they need a Savior they can't see. So sometimes the most difficult part of the Christian's mission is to get people to believe that we actually know the only way of escape. We have been saved by the only rescuer. To say people are skeptical is an understatement. There is a reason we are called 'believers' and they are called 'unbelievers.' It isn't because we are better or smarter, but simply because we have put our faith is Christ and they have not... yet. But let's be honest. It isn't easy to take someone's word on the most important faith issue in the universe. I mean, there must be dozens of religious options from which a lost person can choose. Why should they choose Christ? Well, we know why they should choose Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the absolute only way to obtain eternal life. So that part is easy. We know what we have to do, and why. But the 'how' is an interesting element. How do we get people who do not believe in and invisible God to believe that He is real? Well, it will always come down to faith. It always. has. Ultimately each person has to believe in what exists but cannot be seen. But God does give us all a peek into His reality. We can see God in nature. Just by looking around at the marvelous creation we can see that there is a God. And God has promised that anyone who truly looks for Him will find Him. But beyond that, He gives signs of Himself through the people who have come to believe in Him. At one point the people of God were enslaved in Egypt. God had promised to rescue them from their oppressors. He chose to use a human deliverer named Moses. God had worked miraculously in Moses' life, and even revealed Himself to him in a face to flame conversation where Moses saw God in a burning bush, and God told him that he would be the one to go to Egypt and lead His people to freedom. Moses was fearful of the prospect and this conversation ensued... Moses answered, “What if they won’t believe me and will not obey me but say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” The Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. Then He said, “Throw it on the ground.” He threw it on the ground, and it became a snake. Moses ran from it, but the Lord told him, “Stretch out your hand and grab it by the tail.” So he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand. “This will take place,” He continued, “so they will believe that Yahweh, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.” In addition the Lord said to him, “Put your hand inside your cloak.” So he put his hand inside his cloak, and when he took it out, his hand was diseased, white as snow. Then He said, “Put your hand back inside your cloak.” He put his hand back inside his cloak, and when he took it out, it had again become like the rest of his skin. “If they will not believe you and will not respond to the evidence of the first sign, they may believe the evidence of the second sign." (Exodus 4:1:8) Here we see God using two things to prove Himself to unbelieving people. When Moses suggests that simply showing up and saying he is acting on God's behalf won't be enough to convince people in distress, God asks, "What is in your hand?" God will use whatever is handy. You are handy. Whatever you work with is what God will work with. You don't have to go to seminary or Bible college to be useful in the kingdom of God. God will use you in whatever stage of life you happen to be in. Moses was at that point a shepherd. He had a staff in his hand. God used his staff to show Himself. What is in your hand right now? It could be a pen. It could be a stethoscope. It could be a wrench. It could be a phone. It could be a tray of food. Whatever it is, God wants to use that. He wants to use your whatever you have to show Himself to those who don't believe. But what if they don't believe that? What if they think that your material blessings or tools of life are your own success? What if they see others who have the same things but are not believers? God then used Moses' own body to prove His greatness. This can be scary, but it is obviously very effective. God often proves Himself through our personal experiences in our own physical bodies. We are His, so He can do with us as He will. God may take you through a dark moment in order to reveal Himself to others on the other side. While some people may believe when we use our specific tools of communication, nothing speaks of the reality of God like a personal in-body revelation. The miracles God performs in us can be the greatest testimony. God wants us to surrender our stuff and our selves. He can and will use both to reach the lost and trapped unbelievers. He will use what we have as well as who we are. God isn't playing games with us or our emotions. He is simply trying to save the world. And not only do we have a front row seat to this amazing project. We are actually part of the crew. Today you will have the opportunity to use the tools in your hand to share the Good News with someone. Don't hesitate just because you think you are not qualified. God has qualified you. But then He may take it a step further and prove Himself through your own body. I don't know what this might look like. But it will be unbelievable... so that others may believe. An old song says, "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands." But it seems that God uses our hands to get the world into His hands. As a tip, it is likely that you are reading this on your phone... which is in your hand. Use your phone to show the glory of God today. Right now, go to your Facebook and post something that will cause the unbelieving to believe. See how cool this is? This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link.
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AuthorMy name is David, and I want to know God more, and help other people find Him. Archives
March 2019
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