Don’t you love flat tires? No, me either. The sad fact is, they are a part of driving. The good fact is, car companies know that and have created a way to survive the unfortunate experience. Every car gets a spare tire. The spare tire has an interesting history. Cars used to have a spare tire that was the same size as the other tires. At some point, automobile manufacturers decided that they would save space and money by including a spare tire that was smaller than the other tires. These are called “donuts.” A donut will work in a pinch, but you still need to get your flat tire repaired or replaced. There are basically two limitations that come with a donut spare. · Speed - You should not exceed 50 miles per hour while driving on a donut spare. You aren’t to treat it as if it is normal equipment. Go slow with it. It wasn’t designed for high speed applications. · Distance – You should not drive more than 75 miles on a donut spare. The donut is not designed to take you across the country. It is designed to get you to a place where the original tire can be repaired or replaced. Again, the donut is vital to a safe journey. It is everything you need to get you out of a jam. It is entirely sufficient for emergency use. But in the end, it is a ‘workaround’, if you will. You would not start out on a trip and outfit your vehicle with four donut spares. But you’d give anything to have one if you have a flat. In the spiritual realm, God knows that we will have troubles on our Christian journey. We will sometimes need to refuel. We will overheat at times. And we will end up on the side of the road with a flat tire from time to time. So God has equipped us with ‘workarounds’. One such workaround is available in the event that we sin. Now some people think that you are going to sin every day. I don’t believe that is true anymore than I believe that you will get a flat tire every day. If you are getting a flat tire every day, there is likely something wrong with your tire manufacturer or the way you drive. If you are sinning every day, it isn’t an acceptable Christian life. But God knows that we have the innate ability to stumble along the way. Sometimes we stumble unintentionally. Other times it is because we are reckless. And then there are times when we stumble because we don’t care and are okay with a different path that leads to constant falling. God knew that when a believer sins it can leave him or her discouraged and on the side of the road. The enemy will make you think that you have messed up too many times and there is no hope. The apostle John wrote to the early Christians about this scenario. “I am writing you these things so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father – Jesus Christ the Righteous One.” (1 John 2:1) This is what I call a ‘spare tire verse’. It is good in an emergency, but you don’t want to have to use it all the time. Notice John doesn’t say “When you sin…” He says, “If anyone sins…” In other words, most people can drive months… even years without a flat tire. But when they do eventually have that experience, they expect to be able to go to the trunk, install the spare, and get back on track. Let’s face it… no one wants to have to change a tire every day. Frankly, I would be fine with never having to use the donut. But we are extremely grateful the spare is there when we need it. The same should be true with God’s mercy and forgiveness. I don’t want to have to ask God for forgiveness every day, just as I don’t want to ask my wife for forgiveness every day. If I am constantly breaking covenant with her, the relationship is doomed. But I am grateful that there is mercy when needed. If along your journey you sin, whether by carelessness or by rebellion, do not be hopeless. The same Jesus who gave you new life will intercede for you with the Father. Don’t drive away from the scene at break-neck speed. And don’t try to travel for years on mercy. Receive renewal, be healed, and continue on your way. [Bible quotes are from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, unless otherwise noted.] This is an absolutely free resource... but if you would like to support us, you can give via the above link.
Many churches used to have a ‘prayer meeting’ on Wednesday nights. Over the years, many of these prayer meetings have become a Bible study with a time for prayer requests. Most, if not all churches have prayer on Sunday morning. But I have found that prayer is almost used as a bumper or transition as the worship team shuffles off the stage, or the ushers get into place. Many churches spend more time sharing announcements than they do in prayer during a worship service. That's weird. For those who aren't familiar with a 'prayer service,' let me describe it. There is no singing. No devotional. No one is leading in prayer. The sanctuary doors are unlocked. You walk in. People are praying. Some are walking while they pray. Others are standing still. Some are sitting. Others are kneeling. Sometimes a person is stretched out on the floor with their face to the ground. Some pray out loud. Others pray quietly. Some are crying as they pray. Others may be using words that you can’t quite make out. It is a prayer service. I do not consider myself a great prayer warrior, though I do tend to think more deeply about prayer the older I get. Again, I am no expert on prayer, but here are 5 practical things to consider when cultivating your prayer life. When Is The Best Time To Pray? There is no magic time slot for prayer. God is no more attentive to an early morning prayer than He is to a lunch time prayer. We are encouraged to always be in a spirit of prayer. So whatever time of day work best for you to be in the right frame of mind to talk specifically with God is the right time to pray. There is definitely no wrong time to pray. You should talk with God as often as you need to… and as often as you want to. Should I Pray Out Loud? God isn’t deaf. You don’t have to shout your prayers to God. Neither is He nervous. He gave you your voice. I’m sure He would like to hear it lift up prayers. We are encouraged to lift up our voices in praise. Praise should be a part of our prayers. So I think there are times when we should pray audibly. And there are probably times when we should pray silently. The enemy cannot hear your silent prayers. So maybe it is good for him to hear your lips calling out to God and putting him on notice. Do I Need To Kneel To Pray? Prayer is a very spiritual exercise. It is your heart communing with God’s heart. But just because prayer is spiritual does not mean that your physical body is disconnected from it. In the Bible we find people praying while lifting their hands, folding their hands, bowing their head, looking to the sky, standing, kneeling, stretched out on the ground, weeping, smiling, walking, standing still, pouring ashes on themselves, after washing themselves, aloud with others, silently by themselves. You get the idea? The spiritual vibrancy of prayer should inspire your body to enter into the experience, though that may look differently at different times. What Should I Pray For? You can ask God for anything, and He may or may not give you what you want. But if you pray for those thing God wants you to have, you will receive them. To reach this level means your prayer life needs to be more than a Christmas list. If your child only comes to you to ask you for stuff, how will that make you feel? You want a relationship with her/him. The same is true with God. Pray that God’s will would be accomplished in your life. What Is The Key To Prayer? – Everyone wants God to hear and answer their prayers. But sometimes we kind of wing it. People pray in a moment for a moment. God may and often does answer those prayers, but your prayer life should not be a list of 9-1-1 calls to Heaven. Be purposeful in your prayer life. Here are five keys to successful prayer… · Pray often. The Bible says that we have not because we ask not. It encourages us to ask and keep on asking. Most people have a shallow prayer life because they don’t pray. So… pray, and pray often. · Pray according to God’s will. God wants to transform you and bless you. But if you only seek the blessings without the transformation, it will skew the relationship. Pray that God will make Himself known to you. Find out what He wants you to have, and pray for that. · When you pray, pray to God. He won’t answer prayers you pray to a tree, or the sun, or your grandma, or a saint, or Mary the mother of Jesus. Pray to God. · Pray in faith. Do not doubt. The Bible tells us that our prayers aren’t answered sometimes because we don’t actually believe what we are asking. Prayer is not a wish. Prayer is to be an act of faith where you trust God enough to approach Him about an issue in your life. He looks for faith in your prayers more than any other element. · Make sure your heart is clear. Don’t expect to live a life of sin and have God respond to your prayers. He will answer the sinners prayer for forgiveness and restoration. But if you have idols in your life, that will get in the way of your prayers. “Ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.” (James 1:6-7) “You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and don’t receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your evil desires.” (James 4:2-3) Today know that God hears prayers lifted up in faith from sincere hearts. [Bible quotes are from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, unless otherwise noted.] This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link.
You will make several decisions today. Most of those decisions are probably inconsequential. But some are fairly important, and a few of them will have long term consequences. When we were kids, most of our decisions were made for us, and we didn’t like it. Now that our decisions carry serious weight for ourselves and those around us, we probably feel like we wish we could go back to other people making those decisions. Regardless, it is where you are, so you need to make the best of it. Many decisions can be made on the fly. But there are some into which you have to put a lot of thought. But I hope you aren’t making the most important decisions solely based on a great amount of thought. Hopefully you are seeking input from wise people. I think it would be foolish to make the biggest decisions in my life based only on my own thoughts. I have several people in my life who I know I can call on off of whom I can bounce ideas or scenarios and get their thoughts. While I may or may not go with their counsel, I know I can get it, and I know I need it. I hope you have and use the same avenue. But beyond the wisdom of trusted friends, there is the wisdom of God. If we do not seek His guidance, we are extremely foolish. And I don’t mean asking God to help you in a passing wish of a prayer. The book of Proverbs is full of wise sayings, and reading them is a great way to start each day. One section of the book of wise sayings tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. Don’t consider yourself to be wise; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. This will be healing for your body and strengthening for your bones.” (Proverbs 3:5-7) God designed us to think and have understanding. This passage is not an encouragement to abandon deep thought or bypass the decision making mechanism within us. But we should always realize that we are finite in regard to wisdom, as we are in other areas. While God designed us with a great capacity for understanding, He didn’t create us to think independent of Him. We should understand our limitations and seek Him when it comes time to make life decisions. As the passage says, there should not be any area of our life that does not trust God. The story goes that a tight-rope walker was giving an exhibition and people cheered on both sides of the water fall as he mystified them with his ability. At one point he asked the crowd if they believed he could walk across the rope while pushing a wheelbarrow. They went crazy with applause. So he did… even performing a little dance at the halfway point. Upon arriving safely on the other side, the spectators roared with excitement. He then hushed the mass of people and asked them if they thought He could push the wheelbarrow across with a person in it. This received the loudest cheers of the day. As they finally quieted down he asked, “Who wants to get in the wheelbarrow?” The silence was deafening. People believed in the abilities of the daredevil until it came to their own life. Their trust had limits. Are you that way with God? Do you trust God... but only to a point? It is really foolish to not trust God with every part of our life. He has entrusted us, who regularly prove less than trustworthy, with so much. We really have no reason to think so highly of ourselves and so lowly of Him. We shouldn’t lean or rely on our own understanding, as it is partial understanding. God’s wisdom takes literally everything into account. Every part of our life into which we invite the wisdom of God, will experience the guidance of God. If you ask God for help in your finances, God will give you financial guidance. If you ask Him to give you wisdom in relationships, He will guide you there. That’s how easy it is… seriously. God is not only bigger than your problems. He is smarter than you are about your problems. Respect His perspective over your life. He wants you to succeed more than you do. Trusting God and seeking His guidance will have a great effect in your life… including your physical well being. You know how uptight you get when you try to figure it all out and then worry about how it is going to work out? That anxiety does not exist when we truly trust God’s direction and work in our decisions. Instead of the physical problems that come with worry and trying to figure things out (headaches, ulcers, high blood pressure, anger, etc.), you will be refreshed and more ready to take on the next problem. Today, seek God. Ask God for help. Trust God before you see the results, and watch Him work in you. Get in the wheelbarrow and have the ride of your life. [Bible quotes are from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, unless otherwise noted.] This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link.
We often hear the phrases, “Follow your heart,” or “Follow your dream.” These seem like benign words of encouragement along life’s journey. But in our desire to speak positive things into a friend’s life, we may actually be providing them with some lousy advice. In the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies the lead character, Captain Jack Sparrow has in his possession, a compass. But this is no ordinary compass. This compass does not point true north. Instead, it points in the direction that will take him toward whatever his heart desires. His compass reflects his heart. Because of this, his world is constantly in chaos, and the people around him are constantly in turmoil. This is a great picture of humanity. We are eager to follow our heart on a great adventure, even though we don’t know where it will take us. You only live once, right? So go after whatever it is that makes you happy, right? The only regrets you will have are those times when you didn’t take a chance and do something totally crazy, right? These are Humanistic ideals. Following your heart places you at the center of your decisions. Following your dreams means putting trust in something that you don’t understand. These have becoming exciting ideas, but are they healthy? Well, the Bible says that following your heart is a bad idea, and following your dreams will land you in a nightmare. I know… I hate to burst your pop culture bubble. But I would rather deal in reality than fantasy. Here’s the reality… “The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable – who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Yep. Your heart will steer you wrong most of the time. It is deceitful. That means it is not trustworthy. It will trick you into thinking that it is leading you in the right direction. You can’t fix your heart to tell you the right thing, because you didn’t design or create it. You just can’t trust your heart to tell you the right thing, and you can’t fix it to make it honest. But your friends keep telling you to follow your heart, and chase after your dreams. They want the best for you, right? Can you trust your friends? Well, earlier in the chapter, Jeremiah wrote, “The man who trusts in mankind, who makes human flesh his strength and turns his heart from the Lord is cursed… he cannot see when good comes, but dwells in the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land where no one lives.” (Jer. 17:5-6) So yeah… when your friends tell you to follow your heart, they aren’t anymore trustworthy than your heart. I’ve seen many people floundering in life because they listened to friends give them bad life advice. So where does that leave you? How are you to know the right direction in life if you can’t trust your own heart, and you can’t put your trust in your friends? Well, between those two sections of writing, the prophet Jeremiah writes this… “The man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is indeed is the Lord, is blessed. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn’t fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.” (Jer. 17:7-9) So this picture is not of a ship captain turning his sails into every wind to find something he thinks will please him. This is a picture of a tree. Doesn’t sound like much of an adventure, does it? Well, do you want adventure in your life, or do you want fruit? Because fruit is more of a blessing to others than is adventure. You weren’t put here to see the world or change the world. And you certainly weren’t put here to fill your life up with everything the world has to offer. You were put here to faithfully grow as a person, and produce fruit. You aren’t so much a ship, but rather a tree. God designed and created you to fulfill His purpose in your life. So mute your own heart, mute your friends, and crank up the volume on God’s voice. He will change your heart. He will give you new dreams. And you can trust Him. He may lead you to some dangerous places, but He will not leave you abandoned like your friends will and your heart will. And in the end, your faithfulness will pay off in a life lived well, and you will leave something beautiful for others. This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link.
Christians are not just on this planet to have a good time, though some of us can't help ourselves. We actually have a task. We are on a mission. That mission is to save the world. No pressure, right?!? Part of the difficulty in saving the world is to get people to understand they are in jeopardy. But most people know this. Most people recognize there is something wrong, and they are trying their best to survive the chaos. Unfortunately many people are satisfied to work all of this out themselves. They don't think they need a Savior they can't see. So sometimes the most difficult part of the Christian's mission is to get people to believe that we actually know the only way of escape. We have been saved by the only rescuer. To say people are skeptical is an understatement. There is a reason we are called 'believers' and they are called 'unbelievers.' It isn't because we are better or smarter, but simply because we have put our faith is Christ and they have not... yet. But let's be honest. It isn't easy to take someone's word on the most important faith issue in the universe. I mean, there must be dozens of religious options from which a lost person can choose. Why should they choose Christ? Well, we know why they should choose Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the absolute only way to obtain eternal life. So that part is easy. We know what we have to do, and why. But the 'how' is an interesting element. How do we get people who do not believe in and invisible God to believe that He is real? Well, it will always come down to faith. It always. has. Ultimately each person has to believe in what exists but cannot be seen. But God does give us all a peek into His reality. We can see God in nature. Just by looking around at the marvelous creation we can see that there is a God. And God has promised that anyone who truly looks for Him will find Him. But beyond that, He gives signs of Himself through the people who have come to believe in Him. At one point the people of God were enslaved in Egypt. God had promised to rescue them from their oppressors. He chose to use a human deliverer named Moses. God had worked miraculously in Moses' life, and even revealed Himself to him in a face to flame conversation where Moses saw God in a burning bush, and God told him that he would be the one to go to Egypt and lead His people to freedom. Moses was fearful of the prospect and this conversation ensued... Moses answered, “What if they won’t believe me and will not obey me but say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?” The Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. Then He said, “Throw it on the ground.” He threw it on the ground, and it became a snake. Moses ran from it, but the Lord told him, “Stretch out your hand and grab it by the tail.” So he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand. “This will take place,” He continued, “so they will believe that Yahweh, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.” In addition the Lord said to him, “Put your hand inside your cloak.” So he put his hand inside his cloak, and when he took it out, his hand was diseased, white as snow. Then He said, “Put your hand back inside your cloak.” He put his hand back inside his cloak, and when he took it out, it had again become like the rest of his skin. “If they will not believe you and will not respond to the evidence of the first sign, they may believe the evidence of the second sign." (Exodus 4:1:8) Here we see God using two things to prove Himself to unbelieving people. When Moses suggests that simply showing up and saying he is acting on God's behalf won't be enough to convince people in distress, God asks, "What is in your hand?" God will use whatever is handy. You are handy. Whatever you work with is what God will work with. You don't have to go to seminary or Bible college to be useful in the kingdom of God. God will use you in whatever stage of life you happen to be in. Moses was at that point a shepherd. He had a staff in his hand. God used his staff to show Himself. What is in your hand right now? It could be a pen. It could be a stethoscope. It could be a wrench. It could be a phone. It could be a tray of food. Whatever it is, God wants to use that. He wants to use your whatever you have to show Himself to those who don't believe. But what if they don't believe that? What if they think that your material blessings or tools of life are your own success? What if they see others who have the same things but are not believers? God then used Moses' own body to prove His greatness. This can be scary, but it is obviously very effective. God often proves Himself through our personal experiences in our own physical bodies. We are His, so He can do with us as He will. God may take you through a dark moment in order to reveal Himself to others on the other side. While some people may believe when we use our specific tools of communication, nothing speaks of the reality of God like a personal in-body revelation. The miracles God performs in us can be the greatest testimony. God wants us to surrender our stuff and our selves. He can and will use both to reach the lost and trapped unbelievers. He will use what we have as well as who we are. God isn't playing games with us or our emotions. He is simply trying to save the world. And not only do we have a front row seat to this amazing project. We are actually part of the crew. Today you will have the opportunity to use the tools in your hand to share the Good News with someone. Don't hesitate just because you think you are not qualified. God has qualified you. But then He may take it a step further and prove Himself through your own body. I don't know what this might look like. But it will be unbelievable... so that others may believe. An old song says, "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands." But it seems that God uses our hands to get the world into His hands. As a tip, it is likely that you are reading this on your phone... which is in your hand. Use your phone to show the glory of God today. Right now, go to your Facebook and post something that will cause the unbelieving to believe. See how cool this is? This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link.
AuthorMy name is David, and I want to know God more, and help other people find Him. Archives
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