![]() Yesterday I wrote about what it was like to receive a gift you really didn't want or have any use for. As a kid, receiving a case of various types of vitamins was not my idea of a holly jolly Christmas. Over the years, I would use that experience as an illustration in messages about how perfect God's gift is to us. During one sermon I talked about this very idea, that God knows what we need and what we want. He always gives the perfect gift. I talked about how we sometimes missed the mark in our giving... "Like, you wouldn't give me certain things, because they just wouldn't make sense as a gift to me. You wouldn't walk up to me and give me say... pot holders for Christmas. I don't want pot holders. I wouldn't use pot holders. They just wouldn't make any sense, so they would not be a good gift." This happened to be the Sunday before Christmas. As we were going around giving out cards to people in the church, we received a card and small package from one of our dear friends. My wife opened the package, and lo and behold... crocheted pot holders. Yep! A few minutes after saying that no one would give me pot holders for Christmas, a lady gave me pot holders for Christmas... handmade pot holders. I just stood there, mortified. The lady stood there smiling at me. You see, sometimes it isn't about what you think you want, or what you think you should get. It is about being a humble and grateful recipient. The apostle Paul tells us that Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35) The blessing is in the giving.. not the receiving. In a real sense, who cares what you get? If a gift is given in love and thoughtfulness, why would I despise it? Who cares if it is 'useful' to me? The fact that someone thought enough of me to do something nice is a rare and valuable thing in itself. In a world that is in many ways more careless and thoughtless than ever, the mere fact that someone cares enough to give me something they made is quite powerful. The blessing is in the giving... even for me. That someone else gave to me is a blessing. This holiday, you will likely get some things you don't want or desire. But if that thing comes from someone who cared enough about you to put forth the giving effort, receive it graciously, and treasure it. And give, not just out of compulsion... but out of true love and generosity. When 'giving' is seen as the gift, receiving becomes a spiritual act instead of a greedy one. For God loved the world in this way:[j] He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link. The video below is associated with the topic. ![]() When I was a kid, we always looked forward to Christmas. I'll be honest... the presents were a big part of our excitement. About the time I was 7 or 8 years old, we received a package before Christmas from an aunt living in another state. My brother and I were pretty pumped about what it may be. It was a box that was big enough to crank up our imaginations. We talked about what it might be, and tore into it on Christmas morning. Upon opening it, we looked to our parents asked asked what it was. It looked like we had been sent the wrong package, and somewhere there was a pharmaceutical rep opening up an electric racetrack. My dad laughed and said, "Those are vitamins, son." Vitamins? We got vitamins for Christmas? And these weren't even Flintstones vitamins. They were medication grade vitamins. And it was a whole case. It would have supplied a wing of the nursing home for a year. My aunt was a Shaklee distributor. She sold products like vitamins and other things. So either she had a bunch of samples left over, or she needed to buy a case to meet her quota and make diamonds, or she really thought these two boys wanted vitamin D for Christmas. Whatever she thought, I can guarantee you the last option was not viable. We weren't picky kids, but to say we were disappointed would be an understatement. As was our custom, later in the day we called our relatives to wish them a Merry Christmas, and thank them for their gift, if they sent one. I can't tell you how difficult and weird it was for me and my little brother to talk to the aunt on the phone that day. Wishing her a Merry Christmas was easy. But when it came time to thank her for the dozens of bottles of vitamins, I'll admit... my heart wasn't really in it. You can imagine how difficult it would be for an 8 year old boy on Christmas day to say, "Thank you for the case of vitamins." To be honest, we tried them. I remember the vitamin C was not half bad. But some of the other horse pills were bad enough to gag a maggot. I remember specifically telling her, "The vitamin C tastes pretty good." (File that under "Things a kid should never have to say on Christmas day.") The next year we got another box from the same aunt. Since we were kids and had short memories, my immediate reaction was, "Oh boy... a big box..." Then we realized it was from "Aunt Shaklee." There was literally no anticipation for opening that box on Christmas. I mean, there was the outside chance that the previous year was the ultimate setup to send us the most surprisingly cool toy gift ever the next year... but no... it was another case of vitamins. Once again, we got on the phone and thanked her for the health store. Aunt Shaklee didn't have any kids. Perhaps she was just trying to unload some overstock. Maybe she really did care about our health. It could be that she thought it better to send vitamins than nothing. I don't know. I never asked her. It may be that in a strange twist of circumstance, the first box was a mistake, but when she heard two little kids thank her for Christmas vitamins she thought she was the coolest aunt ever. I don't know. All I know is that we started to dread the box of what amounted to medicine to boys who would rather try to pull apart a Stretch Armstrong. It became a family joke... like the grandma who would give underwear. Yippee! Gratefully no one in our family gave underwear. So while we may have had old socks... we had the strongest bones in the county. Ironically, at this stage of life, I would probably be glad with some vitamins as a present. Aunt Shaklee wasn't wrong... she was just early. The most difficult part of those days was not opening a box of vitamins. It was coming up with the words to say to an aunt who gave the wrong gift. On the other end of the gift spectrum, we have God.. who has given us the perfect gift of salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ. He is exactly what we need, when we need it, all the time. I was lost, but now I'm found... was blind, but now I see. How can I say, "Thank you" for that? The apostle Paul apparently understood the problem of giving thanks for something that is beyond description. So I agree with him when he wrote, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." (2 Corinthians 9:15) Today, as you open up Christ, and He opens up life to you, just be thankful. Be thankful that He is perfect for every stage of your life. Be thankful that He knows what you need as much as He knows what you want. The story continues tomorrow... This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link. The video below is associated with the topic. ![]() In the book of Joel we find a prophecy that goes like this... "I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will have dreams, and your young men will see visions." (Joel 2:28) As the world gets darker and lives become more wrapped up in just surviving, it is easy to lose the spiritual art of dreaming and visioning. But seeing things that are not yet is an important element to thriving in difficult days. Today I am going to do something a little different, and I hope it is an encouragement to you. I have been married to my wife Becky for 25 years. During that time we have constantly been involved in some sort of ministry. From youth work, to sports ministry, to pastoring, to counseling, to compassion ministry, we have enjoyed many aspects of work in the kingdom of God. During that time we have mostly been financially strapped, but that never stopped us from serving and giving as if we had access to the treasury of Heaven. For five years our family lived in the Sunday School wing of an inner city church as we pastored and led in a turnaround effort. God was always good, and I don't think we ever missed a meal, even though there were some slim days. To us, serving God and others was the goal, so whatever needed to happen to accomplish that was part of the mission. But from our early days as a couple, God gave us a dream. It was a vision of a home with more than enough room for us. Room for a missionary family needing a place to stay while home on furlough, trying to catch their breath from intense overseas missions. Room for a pastoral couple who is closew to burnout, needing to renew themseleves and check to see if the fire was still burning for God's call to lead people. Room for a couple who is trying to survive a relationship disaster in their lives. Room for a young adult who is trying to figure out exactly what God's call is in their life. Room for a single mom or dad who is trying to figure out their next step after being turned out by their spouse. Room for a group of college students who want to spend a weekend discussing and debating philosophy and theology. Room for a youth group to come out and sing and cry around a bonfire while making some important commitments to Christ. Room to renew, refocus, and reflect. We feel like God has led us in a way that allows us to help people who are in a place where they are seeking renewal. We can walk with people and encourage thought as we ask questions and provide responses based on a practical Christian worldview. God has helped us renew, refocus, and reflect over the years. And we would like to help others do the same. The same way this devotional causes you to think more deeply about certain issues is the same way we want to initiate conversations with people seeking God's leading or renewal in their lives. For many years we had this dream, but we didn't know how it would come about. We didn't spend our lives in the secular workforce building up savings. We were living God's hand to our mouth and giving a good portion of that to those in need. Not much room for savings. Over the last couple of years God has moved us away from some of those leadership positions. We didn't exactly know what He was doing, but recently He has rekindled the vision of a place that would allow us to see the dream become reality. God has opened up an opportunity for us to purchase a small farm setting with 5 acres just north of Nashville, TN. The house is plenty big enough to offer independent lodging to friends or recommended people who need a short retreat or place to seek God in a quiet setting. The house is structurally sound, but in need of a few repairs before being approved for the kind of loan we are seeking. It needs some laminate flooring in a few rooms, some wiring squared away, some painting, etc. These are things we can do, or have done fairly quickly. But we don't have all of the funds we need at the moment. We are on a bit of a time crunch as we are taking possession of the house on December 15, and will have one month to get the house ready for closing by January 15, 2017. As much as we believe this is a great way to start a new year and new chapter of our ministry life, we do not like asking for help. Yet that is what I am doing. I really do not like asking for financial help. But I have been encouraged by some people around me to allow ourselves to be on the receiving end of the blessing just as we were so many years giving out of our lack to those in greater need. To be honest, we need around $2450 by December 15 (which is about 3 days away. we will also need around $5,000 to do the repairs over the next couple of weeks. And then we need around $8,000 for the down payment for the house by January 15. Nope... I don't have $15,000 in my pocket. Yep... That's a lot of money to me. Nope... Its is not a lot of money to God. Yep... I believe He is going to provide. Perhaps this daily morning devotional has been a blessing to you, and you've wondered how you can be a blessing back. Well, here's one way. A friend and one of my daughters has set up a GoFundMe account for those who would like to help us launch our next phase of ministry. I will continue doing this devotional, but if you feel like you can or should help this kingdom dream become reality, please click the HERE and give as you are led. As in our other areas of ministry, we will be working hard to see this part of God's kingdom flourish. We believe this property will be a part of saving lives, marriages, ministries, and launching people into a new trajectory for Christ and His work. You can see photos of the land and house in the video below. If you have any questions, let me know. I thank you in advance for any help you can offer. You can also give directly through the PAYPAL link right here. This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link. The video below is associated with the topic. ![]() Throughout history there have been times when standing for what is right made you part of the majority. There were other times when standing for what is right caused you to stand against the majority. Sometimes things were so bad that standing for what is right would cost you as much as your life. Standing against the majority is not easy. But it is easier than selling out your principles. The picture at the top of this devotional illustrates the concept of standing against the wrong that everyone else is standing for. A pastor friend posted the photo, and I thought it was worth an extended thought. In this picture we see a couple of things going on. I find three types of people in the photo. In fact, I'm going to say that there are three types of people in the world, and you can find them in this picture. Most of the people in this picture are willing to fall in lockstep with the evil leader. They are saluting Hitler whose bloody rampage ravaged a continent and claimed the lives of nearly 10 million people who he considered to be less than human. He required ultimate allegiance. For whatever reason, he captured the heart of a generation of Germans and their loyalty is a mystery to this day. The mindless following of a cruel tyrant is found in this picture. Unfortunately most people fall into this category. This is the majority. There is the obvious primary subject of the photo. This guy is crossing his arms in apparent defiance of the leader and the masses. Who knows why? Perhaps he lost someone dear in concentration camps. Perhaps he is a man of principle who knows exactly where unbridled power in the hands of an evil man leads. Maybe he is thinking about the burned toast he had to eat that morning. I don't know. But the impression is that he ain't buying what somebody is selling. This guy is the minority. These are the two extreme groups in a culture that is given over to evil... the spineless majority, and the convictional minority. But as I looked at the photo I saw a third person... a third type. Now, this is conjecture, but I think it has merit. Look at the guy who is just above the main subject and to the left. The guy is at the 11:30 position as you look at the defiant man. He has his hand out in the salute, but he appears to be looking at our hero. To me he seems to be thinking, "Man, you're crazy. But I wish I had a backbone like you." Now whether he is actually thinking that or not, there is no way to know. But the fact is, that there are people who feel this way. This guy is part of the many, or the middle. There are many people in life who do not approve of evil, but they simply go along to get along. They know what is right and wrong, but they just don't take a stand for whatever reason. But not taking a stand for right is taking a stand for wrong. These people see those standing firm for righteousness and wish they had the ability to take a stand. Maybe fear causes them to go along with the majority. Maybe it is peer pressure. Maybe they just don't think they can make a difference. Whatever the case, these people live frustrated lives of concession until they finally become part of the majority, and not only allow wrong, but approve it. The Bible talks a great deal about courage, and the danger of not standing against evil. One passage that stands out to me is where the apostle Paul talks about the waves of spiritual attacks that will come against the believing minority in this world. Paul was a man who ultimately gave his life as a martyr for the Gospel, so I think he is a pretty credible source on such issues. Here is what he told a church that was experiencing various spiritual and social pressures... Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil. For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand. (Ephesians 6:10-13) Stand. After you've done everything else... Stand. Love people who are wrong. Speak out against wrong. Pray for your enemies. Offer life and help to those who persecute you. Surround yourself with Godly people who will help you. But after you've done all of that. You just have to stand. Stand against the leaders of evil. Stand against the followers of evil. Stand on principle. Stand on the word of God. Stand. Fold your redeemed arms and stand for God. You may lose your job. Stand. You may lose your position in the community. Stand. You may lose your friends and even your family. Stand. You may lose your life. Stand. I honestly don't know the actual story behind this photograph, but I know the meaning behind it. I know we live in a time that will require us to stand for what is right, and that will mean being in the minority. If you are struggling with the faith or courage to stand for what is right, and wish you had the resolve of others you see standing, just get into the Bible, pray, and then stand. The closer you are to God, the easier it will be to stand with Him. Today you will have the opportunity to stand for God or salute evil. Choose well. Someone is staring at you to see what you do. Ultimately there are only two groups... those who stand and those who salute. Those who stare will eventually be part of one group or the other. You can ride the fence for a while, but the Devil owns the fence, so it is time to pick a side. This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link. The videos below are associated with the topic. ![]() "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) It may not be the first verse you learned, but it is probably the most popular memory verse in the entire Bible... and for good reason. It is probably the best 'Gospel' explanation in verse form in all of Scripture. In that statement we find God, people, love, Jesus, faith, death, and eternal life. That is a potent concentrated sentence about salvation. And it came from the lips of Jesus Christ Himself. One of the things we find there, and flow over so easily is this concept that God loves the entire world. It may be accepted, but is it really grasped? It has become popular over the last decade or so for people who want to drive home the point of God's love to tell seekers, "When you read that verse, put your name in there. 'For God so loved Suzy that He gave His only begotten Son...' Do it. Put your name in there. Make it personal. For God so loved Peter, Jamal, Candace, Stan, Julie..." The idea is that some people may not feel loved by God or in line to receive eternal life. So if they realize that a personal God was thinking about them when He devised a plan for redemption, it may help them accept eternal life. I get it. And there is definitely a truth there. But it also seems to feed our individual focused culture. It can easily turn our attention toward us, and how awesome we are because God loves us, rather than how awesome God is to love unlovable people like me. Because while God loves you as much as He loves anyone, it is important to remember that God loves everyone as much as He loves you. Now that is a task right there. We have a love affair with ourselves. We may say that we have low self-esteem, but the reality is that no generation has ever been more enamored with itself than this one. We are constantly told how awesome we are, and how loved we are. We do not lack for attention. We are loved because we have thousands of friends who like our stuff, right? But the verse says that God sent salvation because He loved the world... the whole world... everyone... even the people no one loves. And that's the rub. We can kind of understand that God loves us. Because when we feel down about ourselves, someone is always there to tell us how unique we are and reinforce our personal worth. But get this... God loved Osama Bin Laden. And... sit down for this one... God loved him as much as He loves you. Yes. Take that. God loved Hitler as much as He loves you. God loved Barack Obama as much as He loves you. God loved Trump and Clinton as much as He loves you. God loved Charles Manson as much as He loves you. How about we make it personal for an individualistic generation? Forget the famous monsters and "unlikables." I want you to think about that person you dislike the most. Go ahead. Get that name and picture in your mind. I'll wait. Don't read ahead until you have the person in your head and your face starts to tighten up thinking about them. Got 'em? Ok... God loves them. God loves that person you hate. And here you go... God loves them as much as He loves you. Goodbye Mister/Miss Pride. All of the love God has for you, He has for that person. Just like God wants the best for you, He wants the best for them. Just like He lavishes goodness on you, He lavishes goodness on them. Just like He wants to spend eternity with you, He wants to spend eternity with them. Just like He wants to be merciful toward you, He wants to be merciful toward them. Just like He sought after you as a lost child, He seeks after them. Still thinking about that person you can't stand, and hope falls off the planet today? God loves their horrible soul as much as he loves your awesome one. So maybe... just maybe you need to treat them differently. Maybe instead of putting your name in that spot in the verse, you need to put their name in the slot. Go ahead and try it... "For God so loved ____________________ that He gave His only begotten Son..." Now, say it until you can do it without struggling. In fact, why don't you say it until tears run down your face because you love them like God does? Now put those other names in there? Those names you can't stand to say, and those names you love the most. Be thankful that God loves the unlovable as much as He loves the 'adorable'. Today you get to show the world that John 3:16 is true. How cool is that?!? This is an absolutely free resource. If you would like to support us, you can give via the above link. The video below is associated with the topic. |
AuthorMy name is David, and I want to know God more, and help other people find Him. Archives
March 2019
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